江苏春晨电缆有限公司生产江苏春晨扁电缆YFFB65*78+5*14,一:产品特点及用途 本产品具有耐寒、柔软、耐磨、防油等特性,适用于交流额定电压0.6/1KV及以下具有耐寒、防油等特殊要求的移动电器用连接电缆,目前本产品已广泛应用于冶金、电力、船舶、汽车制造等行业。虽然步进电机较近被大量应用,但其原理早已有之。步进电机与电磁铁和柱塞泵同一时期开发,法国人佛罗曼提出了将电磁铁的吸引力转化为旋转力矩的方法。当时,激磁相的切换用机械式凸轮的接触点来完成,这就是步进电机的原型。现在还有旋转线圈式的应用方法。1920年步进电机的实际应用才开始,称为VR(Variable Relutance,变磁阻)型步进电机,被英国海*作定位控制和远程遥控。 Although stepping motor has been widely used recently, its principle has existed for a long time. Step motor was developed at the same time as electromagnet and plunger pump. French frorman put forward a method to convert the attraction of electromagnet into rotation moment. At that time, the switching of excitation phase was completed by the contact point of mechanical cam, which was the prototype of stepping motor. Now there is the application of rotating coil. In 1920, the practical application of stepping motor began, called VR (variable resistance) stepping motor, which was used by the British Navy as positioning control and remote control. 混合式HB(Hybrid的缩写,是VR与PM复合的意思)型步进电机的产生,大约在1952年,由美国GE公司(通用电气)的Karl Feiertag开发的发电机演变而来。与现在的两相HB型步进电机结构相同,取得了US**。当初作为低速同步电机使用,其后,由美国的Superior Electric公司和Sigma Instruments公司开发出两相1.8°步距角的HB型步进电机。当时因为电流小、电感大、恒电压驱动的关系江苏春晨扁电缆YFFB65*78+5*14,换相脉冲只有300pps(现在为10~20kpps)。 Hybrid HB (abbreviation of hybrid, which means the combination of VR and PM) stepper motor was developed in 1952 by Karl feiertag of GE company. The structure of the two-phase HB stepping motor is the same as that of the present one, and the US patent has been obtained. At first, it was used as a low-speed synchronous motor. Later, the two-phase 1.8 ° step angle HB stepping motor was developed by superior electric company and sigma instruments company in the United States. At that time, due to the small current, large inductance and constant voltage drive, the commutation pulse was only 300 PPS (now 10-20 kpps).