橡皮绝缘电缆 本产品适用于交流额定电压300/500V以及以下电气设备及照明装置用固定敷设的铜芯或铝芯橡皮绝缘电线。 电线长期允许工作温度不**过65℃。执行标准:JB 1601-93 Rubber Insulated wires The products are suitable for the fix-laying rubber insulating copper or aluminium cored wires used in electrical equipment and lighting installations with ≤300/500V alternating rated voltage. The permitted long working temperature of the wines ought be below 65℃. Executive Standard:JB1601-93BXF电缆 型号及名称、用途 Type & Description BXF电缆型号Style 名称 Name 主要用途 Main Usage 芯数 Core Number 规格 Specification BXF 铜芯橡皮绝缘氯丁或其它相当的合成胶混合护套电缆 copper-cored insulating chloroprene rubber covered cable or other synthetic rubber covered cable 适用于户内明敷或户外特别是寒冷地区 inside sufacd laying or outside laying,especially cold areasBXF电缆 1 0.75-240 BLXF 铝芯橡皮绝缘氯丁或其它相当的合成胶混合护套电缆 aluminium-cored insulating chloroprene rubber covered cable or other synthetic rubber covered cable 适用于户内明敷或户外特别是寒冷地区 inside sufacd laying or outside laying,especially cold areas 1 2.5-240 BXY 铜芯橡皮绝缘黑色聚乙烯护套电缆 copper-cored insulating black polythene rubber covered cable 适用于户内穿管或户外特另是寒冷地区 inside sufacd laying or outside laying,especially cold areas 1 0.75-240 BLXY 铜芯橡皮绝缘黑色聚乙烯护套电缆 copper-cored insulating black polythene rubber covered cable 适用于户内穿管或户外特别是寒冷地区 inside sufacd laying or outside laying,especially cold areas 1 2.5-240