一、适用范围 I. scope of application YT-YTF电梯电缆 本产品适用于交流额定电压300/500V(或450/750V)及以下电梯和升降机械设备等,作电源动力连接线用。 This product is suitable for AC rated voltage 300/500V (or 450/750V) and the following elevator and lifting machinery and equipment for power supply line. ??二、执行标准YT-YTF电梯电缆 ? two, the implementation of standards GB/5013.6-1997及补充要求 GB/5013.6-1997 and supplementary requirements 三、使用特性 YT-YTF电梯电缆 Three, the use of characteristics 1、电缆导体的长期允许工作温度不**过70℃,敷设环境温度应不低于0℃。 1, the conductor of the cable to allow long-term working temperature of not more than 70 degrees, the laying of the ambient temperature shall not be less than 0 degrees C. 2、安装自由悬挂长度不**过80m,移动速度不**过4m/s。 2, the installation of free suspension length of not more than 80m, the movement speed of not more than 4m/s. 3、电缆敷设安装允许弯曲半径应不小于电缆小边的6倍。 3, the installation of cable installation should allow the bending radius should not be less than 6 times the small side of the cable. 型号 名称 规格 Model name specification YT 橡皮护套电梯电缆 6-30芯 YT rubber sheath elevator cable 6-30 core 0.75mm2 1mm2 0.75mm2 1mm2 YTF 氯丁护套电梯电缆 6-30芯 YTF neoprene jacket cable 6-30 core 0.75mm2 1mm2 0.75mm2 1mm2 TVVB 扁型塑料电梯电缆 12-60芯 TVVB flat plastic elevator cable 12-60 core 0.75mm2 0.75mm2 TVVBP 扁型塑料屏蔽电梯电缆 44芯 TVVBP flat plastic shielding elevator cable 44 core 0.75mm2 2.0mm2 0.75mm2 2.0mm2