

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 江苏省 淮安 金湖县 江苏省金湖县大兴工业园兴盛路33号
  • 姓名: 赵诚
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:能源 输电设备/材料 电缆
  • 发布日期:2025-01-05
  • 阅读量:274
  • 价格:10.00 元/米 起
  • 产品规格:1-400
  • 产品数量:10000.00 米
  • 包装说明:编织
  • 发货地址:江苏淮安金湖县  
  • 关键词:YCBP扁电缆,YCBP屏蔽扁电缆,YCB橡套扁电缆


    **章 高压开关柜概述
    Chapter 1 Summary of high voltage switchgear
    I. Basic Concepts
    1. Switch cabinet (also known as a complete set of switches or distribution devices): It is a circuit breaker-based electrical equipment; refers to the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the electrical primary wiring diagram, the relevant high and low voltage electrical appliances (including control electrical, protection electrical, measuring electrical) and busbar, current-carrying conductor, insulator and other assembly in a closed. An open or open metal cabinet used as a device for receiving and distributing electrical energy in a power system.
    2. High-voltage switchgear: High-voltage switchgear mainly used for power generation, transmission, distribution and power conversion, as well as control, measurement, protection device, electrical connection (bus), housing, support components and other components of the general term.
    3. The "five precautions" in the protection requirements of switchgear: prevent mis-splitting and mis-closing circuit breakers, prevent live splitting and disconnecting switches, prevent live closing and grounding switches, prevent ground splitting circuit breakers, prevent mis-entering live intervals.
    4. the corresponding relationship between bus position and phase sequence.
    Table 1-1
    相别 漆色 母线安装相互位置YCBP屏蔽扁电缆
    Installation of different phase lacquer busbars
    垂直 水平 引下线
    Vertical horizontal lead off line
    A相 黄 上 远 左
    A Huang Xiang Shang Yuan Zuo
    B相 绿 中 中 中
    B in green
    C相 红 下 近 右
    C phase red right near right
    5. Protection Level: The degree of protection of enclosures, partitions and other parts to prevent the human body from approaching the electrified part and touching the moving parts, and to prevent the intrusion of external objects into the internal equipment.
    Table 1-2
    防护等级 简 称 定 义
    Definition of protection level
    IP1X 防止直径大于50mm的物体 1.防止直径大于50mm的固体进入壳内;2.防止人体某一大面积部分(如手)意外触及壳内带电部分或运动部件YCBP屏蔽扁电缆
    IP1X prevents objects larger than 50mm in diameter 1. prevents solids larger than 50mm from entering the shell; 2. prevents a large area of the human body (such as hands) from accidentally touching a charged part or moving part of the shell
    IP2X 防止直径大于12.5mm的物体 1.防止直径大于12.5mm的固体进入壳内;
    IP2X prevent objects with diameters greater than 12.5mm 1. prevent solids entering a diameter greater than 12.5mm from entering the shell.
    2. prevent the hand from touching the live part or moving part of the shell.
    IP3X 防止直径大于2.5mm的物体 1.防止直径大于2.5mm的固体进入壳内;
    IP3X prevent objects with diameters greater than 2.5mm 1. prevent solids entering a diameter greater than 2.5mm from entering the shell.
    2. prevent thickness (diameter) greater than 2.5mm tool or metal wire touching the live part or moving part of the cabinet.
    IP4X 防止直径大于1mm的物体 1.防止直径大于1mm的固体进入壳内;
    IP4X prevent objects with diameters greater than 1mm 1. prevent solids entering a diameter greater than 1mm from entering the shell.
    2. prevent thickness (diameter) greater than 1mm tool or metal wire touching the live part or moving part of the cabinet.
    IP5X 防 尘 1.能防止灰尘进入达到影响产品的程度;
    IP5X dust-proof 1. prevents dust entry from affecting the product.
    2. completely prevent touching parts or moving parts in the cabinet.
    IP6X 尘 密 1.完全防止灰尘进入壳内;2.完全防止触及柜内带电部分或运动部件
    IP6X dust dense 1. completely prevent dust from entering the shell; 2. completely prevent touching the live parts or moving parts in the cabinet
    欢迎来到江苏春晨电缆有限公司网站, 具体地址是江苏省淮安金湖县江苏省金湖县大兴工业园兴盛路33号,联系人是赵诚。 主要经营橡套电缆,电机引接线,高温电缆,硅橡胶电缆,矿用电缆,船用电缆,扁平电缆,聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆,JFEYH高压电机引接线,JFEM电机引接线,风能电缆,硅橡胶电缆,计算机电缆。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 本公司供应电机引接线,高压电机引接线,JFEYH高压电机引接线,JFEM电机引接线,JG电机引接线,JGG高压电机引接线,我们有大型的仓库和场地,我们还有专业的技术人员,我们公司保证供应给你质量优良的产品!